Mongock with spring boot 3
Recently I wanted to add mongock to a spring boot 3 project and I was surprised to see the official docs are not yet updated with the actual requirements for the installation so I spent good 2 hours trying to figure out just how to make it work.
In this post I want to share the steps I took so it will hopefully help someone else or my future self.
- Add the necessary dependencies
... dependencies
- Add the configuration
public class MongockConfig {
private final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public MongockConfig(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
public SpringDataMongoV4Driver springDataMongoV3Driver() {
return SpringDataMongoV4Driver.withDefaultLock(mongoTemplate);
public MongockApplicationRunner mongockApplicationRunner(SpringDataMongoV4Driver driver, ApplicationContext springContext) {
return MongockSpringboot.builder()
- Write your change units
@ChangeUnit(id = "productTextSearchIndex", order = "001", author = "Nermin")
public class ProductTextSearchIndex {
private final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public ProductTextSearchIndex(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
public void changeset() {
.ensureIndex(new TextIndexDefinition.TextIndexDefinitionBuilder()
public void rollback() {
That's it, happy coding 😄
Here's some links of the official docs and additional resources:
Member discussion